Want High Intent, In-Market Leads Delivered

Directly to Your CRM in Real Time
At a Fraction of the Cost of Paid Ads?

Discover Our Ultimate Lead Generation Solutions to Skyrocket Your Sales and Grow Your Business.

Real-Time Search Leads Case Studies

Rental Community with 75 Units to Rent

The Problem: 75 brand new, single family rental homes need to be rented in 90 days.

The Solution: Marketing campaign using Real-Time Search Leads and Real Time Website Leads to find high intent, in-market leads looking to rent a home and to augment and enhance existing social media marketing campaigns.

  • Procure contact info of individuals searching online for rental homes, apartments for rent, 3 bedroom apartments, home for rent, etc.

  • Setup email nurture campaign

  • Build landing page to book tours of the homes

  • Add Voicemail drops into nurture campaign

  • Add leads to Facebook audiences to enhance Facebook Ad campaign

  • Add leads to Google Ad campaigns for "Follow me" ads

  • Create Google Geo Targeted ads for all apartment complexes in the region

  • Client home rental solution becomes omni present

The Results:

  • Generated over 5000 Leads

  • Sent over 20000 emails with open rates of 30-40%

  • All homes rented with an average rental of $2600/month

  • Generated $193,000 revenue in 90 days

  • Generated over $2.3 Million in annual revenue in 90 days

Mortgage Company Specializing in Reverse Mortgages

Mortgage company performed their first test campaign with no prior experience of the Real Time Search Leads software.

They  searched for leads for Reverse Mortgage clients over the course of 4 days and generated 10 leads per day, 40 leads total in the test.

From there, they ported the leads into their CRM and started an automated email campaign that was only 3 sequences long just to test the new software out.

This mortgage company has no copywriters on staff and is very inexperienced with cold email marketing. They were optimistic and had some prompt engineering experience using ChatGPT which they used to create the short 3 email sequence they used for this test.

Here are their results:

Virtual Receptionist Company - Real Time Search Leads and Cold Email Campaign

Overview: A virtual receptionist company, showcasing exceptional results in lead quality, conversion rates, and overall profitability. 

Key Data Points: 

● The Virtual receptionist company generated 50 high-quality leads in a beta test. 

● The leads cost is significantly lower than running ads alone.

Email Metrics: 

● A remarkable 98.9% email delivery rate ensured optimal reach for the generated leads. 

● The initial email achieved a notable 40% open rate, indicating strong engagement. 

● 16 opt-ins were recorded over a 30-45 day email sequence, demonstrating keen interest in trialing the product. 

Post-Trial Sales: 

● The virtual receptionist company acquired 14 new clients as a result of the lead generation efforts from the 50 leads.

● Each of the 14 new clients represents a monthly sale of minimally $350 for the lowest tier virtual receptionist package

Profitability Breakdown:

● For each of the 14 sales, the Customer earns $350 per month totaling a $4,900 per month increase in revenue. With a minimum churn rate of 12 months, those leads will bring an increase of $58,800 per year in revenue.

This case study illustrates Real Time Search Leads effectiveness in generating leads at a competitive cost and converting those leads into high-value customers.

With impressive open rates, opt-ins, and subsequent sales, the partnership between the Virtual receptionist company and Epoch Digital Media, showcases the potential to revolutionize the lead generation landscape and contribute significantly to business success.

Cold Email Marketing Success for Payment Processing Company

Overview: A credit card processing company, with no cold email experience, showing amazing results with open rates, conversion rates, as well as a profitable campaign.

Key Data Points:

●   We generated 100 high-quality leads in a test batch searching for keywords related to point of sale, credit card processing, cash discount processing, etc.

●   The leads were bought at a competitive rate per lead for the industry.

Email Metrics:

●   A 99% email delivery rate for the generated leads.

●   The initial email had a 44% open rate, revealing relevancy to the recipients in what they were searching for.

●   5 opt-ins on the first initial email, another 60 day email sequence ended up having 4 more, so 9 op-ins in total making it known to “ABC Processing” that the prospective customers who opted in were looking for the product being offered through the keywords searched with our Real-Time Search Leads platform.

Post-Trial Sales:

●  Acquired 3 new clients as a result of the lead generation efforts from the 100 leads.

●  Each of the 3 new clients represents a monthly sale of minimally $300 for the lowest monthly cash discount offer.

Profitability Breakdown:

● For each of the 3 sales, this processing company earns $300 per month totaling a $900 per month increase in revenue minimum.

● The average life of a customer for a processing company is 4 years.

● 3 new customers x $300 x 48 months = $43,200.


This case study illustrates our effectiveness in generating leads at a competitive cost and converting those leads into high-value customers.

With impressive open rates and subsequent sales, showcases Epoch Digital Media’s potential to revolutionize the lead generation landscape and contribute significantly to business success.