Want High Intent, In-Market Leads Delivered

Directly to Your CRM in Real Time
At a Fraction of the Cost of Paid Ads?

Discover Our Ultimate Lead Generation Solutions to Skyrocket Your Sales and Grow Your Business.

Real-Time Search Leads

The Art of Digital Divination

At Epoch Digital Media, we don't just generate leads – we tap into the collective consciousness of the internet itself. Our secret weapon? A revolutionary technology we like to call "pretargeting." It's like having a crystal ball that peers into the digital ether, allowing us to monitor search traffic across the entire United States.

But we're not merely voyeurs; we're hunters, stalking our prey with surgical precision. When someone begins their quest for keywords that pique your interest, we're hot on their trail, tracking their every digital footprint.

Two pieces of relevant content consumed, and bam! We've got ourselves a qualified, in-market lead. It's like we've read their minds, anticipating their desires before they've even fully formed. And then, we strike.

Through the mystical powers of big data, we acquire their contact information, bestowing upon us the sacred permission to reach out and connect. It's like an electronic séance, communing with the spirits of consumer behavior.

And just when you think it can't get any better, we deliver that piping hot lead straight to you in real-time. It's like having a direct line to the collective unconscious, allowing you to strike while the iron is scorching, capitalizing on their burning desire.

But we're not just another bunch of digital scrapers; oh no, we're so much more. We wield the power of big data companies like Thor's hammer, cross-referencing a multitude of vast databases, tracking consumer behavior with the precision of a bloodhound on the scent.

These aren't leads from a year ago, a week ago, or even yesterday. These are souls laid bare in the present moment, their desires pulsating through the digital ether, waiting for you to answer their call. We are the digital shamans, the interpreters of the online zeitgeist, and we're here to help you tap into the collective consciousness like never before.

About Us

At Epoch Digital Media, we harness cutting-edge technology to help businesses acquire high-quality leads through our proprietary software that excels at capturing and generating leads.

With over 7 years of experience delivering exceptional results across multiple verticals, our seasoned team of veterans, led by digital pioneer Thad Barnes, boasts a combined 150 years of digital marketing expertise.

Our Real-Time Search Leads platform is the crown jewel, delivering high buyer intent leads in real-time, complemented by our AI-powered CRM that converts leads into customers around the clock, providing an unparalleled lead generation experience.