Brand Identity & Creative

Effective branding begins at the top, where the vision that drives your business also shapes your brand. Your brand distinguishes you from competitors and makes you unique in the eyes of consumers. Partnering with Epoch Digital Media means developing a brand with a clear personality, direction, and vision for your company.

In today's fast-paced market, less is more. Your message needs to be communicated quickly through both visuals and creative copy. Your design collateral represents your company's image, and the Epoch Digital Media creative team ensures you present your best self.

Brand Messaging Platform

Our Brand Messaging Platform transforms your brand's essence into actionable messages. We will delve deeply into your story and goals to craft your message, promise, and theme.

Brand Launch Campaigns

We take the message developed in your Brand Messaging Platform to create a focused marketing campaign. This campaign will align with your strategy and achieve your goals by delivering the right messages to your target audience.

Competitive Landscape Analysis

Our experts conduct detailed comparative analyses between your company and competitors across multiple platforms. This analysis guides you on steps to ensure your company performs at its peak.

Copywriting & Editing

Your company's voice is crucial to your brand representation. Our communication experts provide the necessary edits, revisions, and information to maintain a consistent voice across all platforms and services.

Graphic Design

From logos to business cards and infographics, we provide all the visual assets you need to combine your message with impactful visuals.

Photography & Video

We offer high-quality photography and video content to captivate and engage your online audience.

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Branding FAQs

When it comes to your branding, the CNA audit process is really critical. It helps us to identify any gaps in your messaging or any opportunities that we have to boost your brand. We want to make sure that everything in your brand is speaking to the right people. You might have an idea of who your ideal client is, but we go in and make sure that that's truly the right client. We want to ensure that everything is aligned to speak to that audience in a very specific way.

Many people, when they hear the word brand or branding, they think logos and colors and fonts. And all of those are important, but your brand goes so much deeper than just the logos, colors, and fonts. Those are the main components of the visual aspect that we bring right up front.

The brand breaking campaign actually goes through and identifies the key things—the collateral, the marketing materials, your email signatures, every single touchpoint, to ensure everything aligns throughout the company both internally and externally. It creates continuity across all aspects of your brand. Everything that gets printed, everything that gets talked about, everything that gets handed out to a potential client all contribute to your brand. The brand breaking campaign identifies where the holes are and where the opportunities are to create that alignment and continuity across all aspects of the brand.

It's important to remember that your brand isn't just one thing. It's everything. It's in your graphics, your design, your colors, your fonts and your logos. It's in the visuals, but it's also in the words that you're using, and how your internal teams communicate as well, from your sales team to your recruitment process. That's all part of your brand as well. It's not just the things that the clients are seeing. It's everything about your company. As a company, it's important that all of the visual aspects and the written aspects align in order to help you achieve your goals.

One of the best things that you can do for your company is to get another set of eyes on it. Oftentimes a business owner or even their internal teams are so close to the business that it's difficult to view it objectively from an outsider's perspective.

How are you going to be perceived in the marketplace? Are you positioning in the right way, even when it comes to product ideation or product creation? What are the additional things that we can bring into the mix of our products, services, or offerings that are going to best serve our clients or customers?

Having an outside perspective, you're seeing things from a 500 foot view that you may not be able to see otherwise, because you're so close to the business. This is the benefit of having a branding expert come in and take a look at everything, bringing things to the table that you haven't thought of yet.

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